Help treat malnutrition and help a child have a  chance at a better future


In partnership with local charities in the Philippines, that work together with the community to support children’s feeding programs, your gift will help feed impoverished children who live on the streets or in the squatter settlement.

A typical feeding program Balay partner would be similar to an outreach centre in Bacolod City, which runs its feeding program in collaboration with the mothers in the community. The volunteer mothers prepare, cook and help distribute the food to feed 700 children beneficiaries twice a week for the amount of Php 80,000 (£1,200) a month. Your gift will help to either feed these children more frequently or add more children beneficiaries to the feeding program.

A World Food Programme 2017 release stated:

Malnutrition doesn’t only affect a child’s health – it also inhibits their future development:

  • Children suffering from stunting may never grow to their full height or develop their full cognitive potential
  • 43 percent of children under five in low and middle-income countries are at increased risk of poverty because of stunting
  • Stunted children earn 20 percent less as adults than their non-stunted counterparts
  • Mothers affected by undernutrition are more likely to have children who suffer from stunting or wasting, perpetuating the cycle of poverty and undernutrition

By contrast,

  • Children who are less affected by stunting in their early years have higher test scores on cognitive assessments and activity level
  • Well-nourished children are 33 percent more likely to escape poverty as adults

Your gift, therefore, which will be used to treat undernutrition, will boost the children’s chances of a better future.



Lester Clark

Product Management

Martha Potter





Lester Clark

Product Management

Martha Potter