Support A Home for Formerly Abused Girls


In 2018, the Philippines published findings from the 2015 National Baseline Study on Violence against Children. This indicated that children and youth aged 13 to 24 years experience very high levels of violence and abuse – 64.2% reported that they were subject to physical abuse, 61.5% to psychological abuse, and 22.4% to sexual abuse, often committed by people they trust.

Your gift will buy food for shelters or rehabilitation and formation centers in Negros that are home to abused girls. With family members as perpetrators of abuse, the children are no longer safe to return to their homes until their abusers are brought to justice which usually takes years. Also, in most cases, such abuse breaks the family apart, which in the end leaves the victims of the abuse not only homeless but without a family to return to. So with no family to return to, the girls are forced to stay in these shelters or formation centers until foster families take them in which is a rare occurrence in the Philippines.

Your support to feed the ever-growing number of children at these shelters is desperately needed!



Lester Clark

Product Management

Martha Potter